Associate Professor Dr. Said Bouheraoua is currently a Senior Researcher and Director of Research Affairs Department at the International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance and a lecturer at the Global University of Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia.
He is the editor-in-chief of ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance; an Independent Board Member of Affin Islamic Bank; a member of the Board Audit Committee of Affin Group; a member of the Board Compliance Committee of Affin Group; a Shariah Advisory Board member of the Central Bank of Oman; Chairman of Affin Islamic Shariah committee; Chairman of Trust Bank Amana Surinam Shariah Committee; Shariah Advisory Board member of MNRB Takaful & Retakaful; Shariah Advisory Board member of ISRA Consultancy institute; and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Experts at Sun Trust Bank Nigeria Limited.
Dr Said has published many books, and chapters in books as well as several articles in refereed journals. He has also presented several papers at international conferences including the International Fiqh Academy of the OIC and has conducted several trainings in Islamic banking and finance in Malaysia and abroad.